Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Newborn Beauty

(Almost) four-week-old Penelope stars in her first photo shoot. She is surrounded by the love of her mama, Jennifer, and daddy, Socrates. Both showed such love, even as the little miss decided she was oh-so-very-over the camera.  This little family is beautiful in so many ways!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mother & Daughter

A few weeks ago, Emerson and her mama, Tracy, sat for a mother/daughter portrait session, just in time for Mother's Day.  Tracy moved back home to Napa to raise her daughter around family, and that, just like these two lovely ladies, is beautiful.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Cousin Connection

In advance of Mother's Day, I offered a special deal on portrait parties, and this lovely group of sisters-in-law and their kiddos decided to take me up on it. These kids are absolutely adorable and thoroughly enjoyed spending time together.