Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Maternity Session in the Woods

The clouds parted just long enough on a rainy weekend for Pam and Glenn to get the maternity photos they'd been wanting.  We had so much fun tromping around the grounds of a beautiful Napa Valley Resort - fall foliage, dappled light, the works.

Pam and Glenn's baby boy is entering a lovely world and will be surrounded by adoring parents (and four dogs I heard a bit about, too).  What a fantastic little family!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

In Love With Fall

I am a big fan of fall...the leaves, the colors, the light.  I love all of it.  This weekend, I met up with Angela, Andrew, and Axel. Angela actually joined us for the #normalizebreastfeeding shoot, and it was a treat to get to see Axel a whole month older.  This family is so sweet, and they had fun getting to showcase their little guy. More photos are available on the Sarah Knutson Photography Facebook Page.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Both as part of the ongoing quest to #normalizebreastfeeding and to honor the women who are able to breastfeed their babies, I held a special photo shoot. Proceeds from the shoot are on their way to Bright Pink, an organization that supports breast and ovarian health in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month - you can see more of the photos on my Facebook page.

We met in a public park, slightly off the beaten path, and as I started with the first participant, two women, more grandmother age than young mothers, walked by.  I paused, listening to their conversation as passed us on the path.

"Oh, I loved breastfeeding my babies."


"I always felt so close to them..."

Encouraged by this public comment, the day continued.  Honestly, this was one of the best experiences I have had as a photographer.

Thank you to all the gorgeous mamas and their sweet babies for participating in this special project.  Let's continue the quest to normalize breast feeding.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Photogenic Photographers

Photographers do what we must to get great photos...and sometimes that means swapping photo sessions with a fellow photographer (my personal family session is next week).  Since Kelly C. knew exactly what she wanted, we had a very short session in a lovely part of the Napa Valley (one of my favorite running spots, in fact).

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Future All Star

Ms. Hunter Noelle made her entrance to the world after some pretty intense days, but that's just going to prepare her to be an awesome softball player like her mama!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Share the Love...

It's a big day, folks! I'm looking to expand my photography business into wedding photography, but I'd like to start small. If you, or someone you know, is getting married and having a simple ceremony and reception, I would love to coordinate with you. I would be so pleased if any of you could pass on my contact information to anyone who might be interested.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Maxine Marie Arrives!

Not even two months ago Mama Kim was on the blog, cradling her belly.  Now, darling baby Max has made her arrival.  Sweet big sis, Ella, wanted in on the session (of course!).  Max was just perfect during the session. We had to take these photos outdoors, and nine-day-old Max tolerated all of the fuss, as we got her photo-ready.  She is a true blessing to this wonderful family!

Friday, August 1, 2014

A Couple First, Then a Family

I had the honor of taking maternity photos for a family I ADORE. Little Hux is going to be so surrounded by love.  Mama trusts me and asked if I would take some photos that were a bit outside of the box for me. I'm so glad she did  - everyone is happy with how the more intimate photos look.  I am very excited to see this family of four (pups count!) become a family of five soon. You may recognize this family from their pregnancy announcement a while back...

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