Friday, October 24, 2014


Both as part of the ongoing quest to #normalizebreastfeeding and to honor the women who are able to breastfeed their babies, I held a special photo shoot. Proceeds from the shoot are on their way to Bright Pink, an organization that supports breast and ovarian health in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month - you can see more of the photos on my Facebook page.

We met in a public park, slightly off the beaten path, and as I started with the first participant, two women, more grandmother age than young mothers, walked by.  I paused, listening to their conversation as passed us on the path.

"Oh, I loved breastfeeding my babies."


"I always felt so close to them..."

Encouraged by this public comment, the day continued.  Honestly, this was one of the best experiences I have had as a photographer.

Thank you to all the gorgeous mamas and their sweet babies for participating in this special project.  Let's continue the quest to normalize breast feeding.

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